
Why do Hotels Need to Save Water?

Rivers, lakes, the atmosphere and groundwater represent only 1 percent of Earth’s fresh water. By 2030, half of the global population will be living in areas of high water stress. Our growing population and resource-intensive farming is projected to exceed water supply by 40%, putting that 1% under great threat.

According to the latest research conducted by SIWI, already almost 20% of the world’s population live in areas where water resources are approaching or has exceeded sustainable limits and more than 75% of river flows are withdrawn for agriculture, industry and domestic purposes. In the hospitality industry, water plays a determining part in everyday operations and service.

For many hotels, water accounts for 10% of utility bills, and by purchasing fresh water and then by disposing it as waste water, most hotels pay twice for it. Depending on their water efficiency strategies, hotels can reduce the amount of water consumed per guest per night by up to 50%. For example, hotel guests can make an immediate impact by have guests reuse their towels, saving thousands of gallons of water per day. Beyond the obvious cost savings, hotels have an equally compelling moral reason to save as water is a limited resource, and hotels have a responsibility to not use more than necessary, and reduce the risk of water pollution.

With climate change worsening and the number of eco-conscious guests growing, sustainable practices should be embraced in the hospitality industry to reduce environmental impact while enhancing the destination experience.

Some tips for hotels to reduce their water usage are:

Public Amenities

  • Install waterfree Urinals and water-efficient Toilets

Guest Rooms

  • Give guests the opportunity to request clean sheets and towels as needed.
  • Install water-efficient toilets and showers


  • Install water efficient fixtures and flow regulators to reduce waste

Outdoor Areas

Swimming Pools

  • Optimize and recycle backwash
  • Use temperature regulation
  • Perform proper maintenance


  • Use recycled water
  • Maintain water temperature steadily. This can provide both heat energy savings and a dramatic drop in greenhouse emissions.

Did you know LADWP offers $500 in rebates per waterfree urinal? Learn more about it here