As a Los Angeles based company, we are no stranger to drought and our arid region has only fueled our mission to develop new technologies that save our most precious limited resource, fresh water.
have saved over
BILLION Gallons Of Water
Green Building is Our Business

By converting your facility to any of Falcon’s technologies, you earn valuable points towards internationally recognized green building standards, including LEED and WELL certifications. In fact, all our urinal systems help you earn maximum points for LEED Existing Building Operation and Maintenance (EBOM) Certification and meet the most rigorous international conservation standards.
Using Business as a Force for Good
We envision a new sector of the economy which harnesses the power of private enterprise to create public benefit for all stakeholders. For this reason, we continually strive to be the world’s best-in-class innovator of water-conserving, commercial restrooms solutions.
Vision & Mission
We envision a world in which intelligent technologies make water scarcity a relic of the past. Falcon Water Technologies is committed to changing the world by developing revolutionary, technology-driven restroom products that conserve our Earth’s precious fresh water supply and to use the power of our business and products to help solve local, social and environmental problems.

Mapleton Investments manages a broad range of global investments from private equity to hedge funds to direct investments. Mapleton Investments also owns an active real estate operating company that manages a diverse portfolio of properties. The firm was founded in 1999, manages over $1B of assets, and is headquartered in Beverly Hills, California.

Capricorn manages $4 billion in a long-term focused global fund. The firm was founded as the investment platform for Jeff Skoll and the Skoll Foundation. Capricorn uses a principled investing approach based on a belief that superior investment returns can be achieved by incorporating ethical, social and environment factors. Capricorn Investment Group is based in New York and Palo Alto, California.