Do you ever wonder why people love Twitter so much? Well, Twitter is a way of catching up on the latest news, following your friends, fostering the hashtag phenomenon and networking with other professionals around you. Twitter does one thing and does it well, which is why people love the platform so much. It is all about quick reads, not about extended discussion. It’s easy to scroll through and read top headlines or updates from your friends. Less is more. Even though most of the time, the quick, short discussions lead to a more extensive interactions.
The top reason why we use it at Falcon, however, is that we get to interact with all the amazing people in our industry and in the B Corp community. It helps us engage in daily conversations with these individuals, which usually ends up turning into real life gatherings and partnerships. It’s a fantastic way to show your support and promote all the cool stuff people around you are invested in. Below is a list of our champions on twitter. We encourage you to check them out by clicking the handles below.
- Governor Jerry Brown @JerryBrownGov
- Dig Deep Water @DigDeepH2O
- LA Better Building Challenge @LABBC2020
- Rrick Fedrizzi @rickfedrizzi
- Sloan Valve Company @Sloan_Valve
- Mayor Eric Garcetti @ericgarcetti
- B Corporation @BCorporation
- TreePeople @TreePeople_org
- Matt Stevens @ByMattStevens
- Northern Rift @NorthernRift
- The Drop @SavetheDropLA
- Round Peg Communication @roundpegcomm
- Nora Livingstone @noralivingstone
- Badger Balm @BadgerBalmUSA
- Do Good Bus @DoGoodBus
- Ryan Honeyman @HoneymanConsult
- Dean Muruven @deanmuruven09