
Our Sustainability Journey

Here at Falcon, we believe that in the journey to create a better future, businesses should become a force for good. We are founded on the principle of ecological conservation, and sustainability is embedded across our business’s operations and daily practices. We are working to help the planet and help everyone on it thrive.

A successful sustainable strategy clearly connects the organization’s mission, vision, ethics and long-term financial goals, then key ingredients for long-term growth and profitability such as growth of the company’s reputation, employee engagement, the retainment of top talent and market differentiation will continue to grow across the organization. Sustainable thinking is more about creating opportunity and less about mitigating risk.

Our employees have dedicated more than 170 hours volunteering with the local communities to contribute to diverse social and environmental initiatives. Such practices resulted in new and stronger partnerships with charitable organizations. As a way to give back to our hard-working staff, Falcon Waterfree Technologies provides skills based training to advance core job responsibilities, training for personal development, and offers 12 weeks of fully paid maternity leave to salaried workers.

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On top of all this, we encourage our staff to behave differently. The kitchen is stocked with consciously-chosen, local and sustainably-sourced items. We implemented a “Rideshare Incentive” to help minimize our carbon dioxide emissions. Everyone onsite uses a mug, cutting back on paper cups, and our staff refill their water with their metal Falcon Waterfree Technologies canteens, the office is also a plastic bottle free zone.

Sustainability is a corporate journey with no final destination, as there is always room for improvement. Falcon is continually identifying further innovations to reduce our environmental footprint with the vision of creating technology-driven products that conserve our Earth’s precious fresh water supply.