


We are so excited for Earth Day next week and I am sure you are as well! In order to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the event, we decided to organize a party. Even better, a twitter party. This way people from different parts of the world can participate. A Twitter party is a brief and engaging virtual conversation that uses a hashtag (ours is #OurEarthDay) to bring people together to discuss a specific topic. Our party will last one hour and will be a great way for like-minded people to connect and create community.

As mentioned above, the theme for this party is Earth Day’s 45th anniversary.This could be the most exciting year in environmental history. The year in which economic growth and sustainability join hands.The year in which world leaders finally pass a binding climate change treaty.This is our time to come together and take action in regards to climate change. Our intentions for this twitter party is to engage with our friends and followers in a conversation around environmental issues and how businesses can come together to ‘do good FOR the world.’ And of course to have fun!

The party will begin at 11 am PST with a brief introduction. Then Falcon will pose 10 questions (one every six minutes) designated with Q1, Q2… to prompt responses from participants (you and your followers) using A1, A2…

If you are on twitter follow us @shuttheflushup and come join the party! Send us an email at to get the details. Don’t forget to use the #OurEarthDay to be apart of the fun.

Tweet you there!