
Falcon Waterfree to Surpass 15 Billion Gallon Water Savings

Nov. 18, 2008

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – As Falcon Waterfree enters the fourth quarter of 2008 with record sales of waterfree urinals, the resulting water savings will surpass 15 billion gallons or 56.6 billion liters. This represents the accumulative water savings resulting from the total number of Falcon Waterfree urinals that have gone into service to date around the world. The amount of water saved would fill 23,148 Olympic swimming pools, which if placed end-to-end would stretch 719 miles.

According to James Krug, Chief Operating Officer for Falcon Waterfree, “as world population increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to meet demand for fresh water. The easiest way to provide relief is by eliminating needless waste, which is exactly what waterfree urinals do.” Krug continues, “Replacing water-flushed urinals with waterfree has always been a smart decision, but it’s becoming smarter as water becomes more scarce and costly.

Falcon Waterfree urinals have been gaining in popularity for facilities like Staples Arena, Hollywood Bowl and the Taj Mahal due to their ability to reduce water consumption by 100 percent while improving restroom hygiene and reducing operating costs. The patented technology within Falcon Waterfree urinals provides odor-free operation while eliminating needless waste of fresh water.

Greener restrooms lead to bluer skies
Another result of the record number of waterfree urinals in use is a reduction of 270 million pounds of CO2 emissions, based on calculations made with the Pacific Institute water-to-air model. With less than one percent of an estimated 55 million flush urinals having been upgraded to waterfree to date, significant potential remains for further savings of water, energy, and greenhouse gas emissions.

About Falcon Waterfree Technologies
Falcon Waterfree Technologies is the most popular and widely installed brand of waterfree urinal. The company was formed to promote conservation of the Earth’s limited supply of fresh water and support sustainable resource management. Falcon products are in use around the world, in stadiums and arenas, schools and universities, airports and every type of commercial and institutional facility. For more information, visit