This week at ASPE, Sloan Valve Company has previewed it’s latest urinal technology. Focusing on conservation coupled with innovation, the latest hyrbid urinal technology functions waterfree on a daily basis but is programmed to purge plumbing lines with a gallon of water once a week resulting in unrivaled water conservation- using only 52 gallons a year no matter how many users- with unrivaled functionality to keep your housing and pipes cleaner. See more about how this revolutionary technology works here from Contractor Magazine.
Author: falconuser
Forbes Finds An Irresistible Offer in Falcon and Sloan “Going Green”
Forbes writer Larry Myler discusses how Falcon and Sloan have become irresistible to prospective customers by offering green product solutions. According to Myler, “Irresistibility is the goal of every entrepreneur, and it’s the free-market path to prosperity. ” Read the article here.
Falcon & Sloan Offer Pubs Restroom Retrofits
August 11, 2014 covers Falcon Waterfree Technologies and Sloan Valve Company’s partnership with the LADWP to offer $500 rebates for retrofitting restrooms with waterfree urinals. The LADWP encourages companies to either retrofit all of their existing bathrooms or use waterfree and high efficiency urinals and toilets in new installations. There is no limit on the amount of rebates that can be submitted by one location.
Read more about how you can upgrade your facility here.
Falcon Responsible for Over 20 Billion Gallons of Water Saved
August 05,2014
Simon Davis, CEO of Falcon Waterfree Technologies, the most advanced and leading urinal system provider in the world joins the Green Business Podcast Show. To date this company is responsible for over 20 billion gallons of water saved.
Listen to interview with host Eric Dye & guest Simon Davis discuss the following:
- How does a water-free urinal actually work?
- How can water-free urinals help during the drought that is plaguing California?
- How has the water-free appliance industry, as a whole, grown in the past 10 years?
- How has the water-free movement developed in the past 10 years? What are the main goals of this movement? How close are we to reaching these goals?
- What makes water-free urinals better than normal, traditional urinals other than the fact that water-free urinals conserve water?
Full podcast available here .
EPN Discusses Conservation and Innovation With Falcon President and CEO, Simon A. Davis
Entrepreneur Podcast Network interviewer Eric Dye discusses the benefits of waterfree technology with Falcon Waterfree Technologies President and CEO, Simon Davis. Listen to the interview style podcast here and learn more about the benefits of waterfree technology and what’s coming next for Falcon.
Falcon Local Installation, Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge, Featured in Los Angeles Business Journal
July 21, 2014
Los Angeles Business Journal covers the benefits of waterfree retrofitting through interview with local Los Angeles business, Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge. Read more about the benefits of upgrading your restroom to waterfree here.
Can We Help You?
Having problems with your urinal? Contact us! We are happy to help you through resolving issues to get your urinal back to optimal functionality as quickly as possible.
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In the US? Need to order replacement cartridges, housings or other fixture accessories? Visit the Falcon Online Store to place orders directly or contact the closest representative in your region. For those located internationally, please contact our local sales partner for replacement parts.
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Rebate Information
In the United States? Find out if you can save even more with rebates available in your region.